Forest Road News 9/13/2024

School Hours

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday:

8:15am to 3:15pm - Lunch 11:20am to 12:10pm

Wednesday: 8:15am to 2:30pm - Lunch 10:55am to 11:55am

To report absences, please contact the following:
or dial

Important Dates to Remember

October 10 - Picture Retake Day

October 11 - Teacher Institute Day - NO SCHOOL

October 14 - Indigenous People Day - NO SCHOOL



Hello from Mrs. Stamer & Mrs. Cavaliere

See Inside Our Walls

This week we had a few excited and passionate students decorate our blacktop with a special Welcome to Forest Road message. Then the Big Boy steam engine passed by Forest Road and it was quite the sight to see. It is the largest steam engine still around and was built during World War II. 

This week we started our One Book One School journey.  Every student and staff member was given a copy of Dragons in a Bag; thank you community and PTO!  Ms. Kean put out a reading schedule that everyone is following.  Mr. Bothwell has student art projects related to dragons going on in several grade levels, so be on the lookout for some artwork. There are grade level and cross grade level discussions and excitement going on all over Forest Road School!  Be sure to ask your child all about it.  

Circles are a great way to feel included. They help with classroom management by building positive relationships between students. Circles by their very structure, convey certain important ideas and values without the need for discussion:

Equality - Everyone in the circle has equal seating

Safety and Trust - You can see everyone in a circle, so nothing is hidden.

Responsibility - Everyone has a chance to play a role in the outcome of the circle.

Facilitation - The circle reminds the leader to facilitate rather than lecture.

Ownership - Collectively, the participants feel the circle is theirs

Connections - These are built as everyone listens to everyone else’s responses. 

As we walk through the hallways, there are many circles going on at Forest Road School!  

Rocky the Roadrunner was introduced last week at the Back to School Bash and today (Friday) he made is first appearance at morning line-up. Rocky is a welcomed member of Forest Road and brought a lot of excitement to kick off our Friday. When and where will Rocky pop up again? We will just have to wait and see. Thank you to the community and PTO for bringing Rocky the mascot to Forest Road. 

Curriculum Corner

This week in math instruction, students in grades 1-5 are actively engaged in Math Expressions, working through Unit 1 and focusing on fluency routines. Teachers are using a variety of assessments, including program pretests and district assessments to form small groups that target each student’s specific needs. Hands-on learning with manipulatives is a key part of our approach, helping students build a concrete understanding of new math concepts. Classroom "math talk" encourages students to explain their reasoning and develop critical thinking skills. In 6th grade, students are diving into new concepts with our recently adopted EdGems resource, which presents ideas in a way that is both challenging and grade-appropriate. Through these practices, we’re helping students build a solid foundation in math while fostering problem-solving and communication skills.

Forest Road Lunch Menu

Before & After School Care Info.

After School programs:

BASE Program - Leanna Hartung - Manager

Right At School

Chelsey Mazariegos -Area Manager 

C: 224-706-7283


Car Line - Drop Off and Pick Up Instructions


Forest Road Bus Routes


Student Climate Survey Administration - Fall 2024


In D102, we know that a strong school climate has positive impacts on student achievement, attendance rates, and school safety, as well as creating conditions for developing healthy social and emotional skills.  We also feel it is critical to hear the voices of our students. To 

help facilitate that communication we provide a Student Climate Survey twice annually, once in September/October and again in February/March.

D102 will gather student perceptions of their school climate in the following ways:

  • K-2nd grade students will orally provide their input during a classroom meeting conversation with their teacher.

  • 3rd-8th grade students will individually complete an online survey in Google Forms. 

Results of the 3rd-8th grade survey are confidential and will not be used to identify individual students.  Rather, the data will be used to gather an overarching sense of students’ perceptions.  Each building’s leadership team will use the survey results to inform school-wide planning while grade level teachers will use the data to help plan proactive classroom-based morning circles.  

Themes identified during the K-2nd grade classroom conversations will be collected by the teacher and used to plan proactive classroom-based morning circles.  Individual student information will not be collected during these classroom conversations.

 For more information see:

Families that wish to opt out of the survey should either contact their elementary child’s classroom teacher or their junior high child’s advisory teacher. 

Free & Reduced Online Application

STEAM Academy Robotics Registration

We are excited to offer STEAM Academy Robotics classes afterschool this fall! Each week, students will build and program a new robot, while learning about global sustainability, digital citizenship, engineering, and how they can shape their world through technology—all within a playful story-based curriculum featuring comic book style characters. Sign up with the links in the flyer! The class dates, times, age groups, and days of the week are detailed on the flyer. Clicking on the link listed with your preferred option will bring you directly to the registration page. 

Feel free to reach out to with any questions regarding registration. We look forward to empowering your children to solve humanity’s greatest challenges by becoming STEAM Pros!


Park Jr. High Tutor Program

Information HERE

Fall CPCFRO Registration (5th & 6th Grade)


CPCFRO Registration is now open through Sept 16th!

Register here!

Parent Volunteer Coaches Needed! Email with interest. 

PTO Corner

Roadrunner Spiritwear Store is OPEN!!

Please click HERE to access the store.



Andy's Fundraiser


Student Directory is LIVE!

The District 102 Student Directory is now live.  It can be found at, or you can download the free app for your phone: 

       - iPhone - 

       - Android -

Your username is the email address provided to the district when registering your student with the district.  To set up your account for the first time or if you've forgotten your password, please go to the Login screen, type in your username, and select "Forgot Password".

Once logged in, families should be able to edit their information through the website.  If you are having trouble logging in or have any questions, please email Erin at for help.

Community Corner

Clinic at LTHS South Campus


Cub Scouts Pack 66


Fire Department Open House


District 102 Survey for families with IEPs

Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! 

The following survey is presented by the Special Needs Advisory Panel (SNAP). The goal of SNAP is to bridge collaboration between parents, staff members, and the district. As we plan for the school year we would love some feedback. This is a short survey to see how our district can best support our families of students with IEPs. This survey should only take a minute or two. We greatly appreciate your input.

D102 Survey for Families of Students with IEPs

¡Bienvenidos al año escolar 2024-2025!

La siguiente encuesta es presentada por el Panel Asesor de Necesidades Especiales (SNAP). La meta de SNAP (Special Needs Advisory Panel) es crear un puente de colaboración entre los padres, los miembros del personal y el distrito. Mientras planeamos para el año escolar nos gustaría recibir sus comentarios. Esta es una breve encuesta para ver cómo nuestro distrito puede apoyar mejor a nuestras familias de estudiantes con IEPs. Esta encuesta sólo debe tomar un minuto o dos. Apreciamos mucho su opinión.

D102 Encuesta Por Familias de Estudiantes con IEPs

Free English Tutoring & Citizen Test Prep for District Families

Information HERE

Parent Outreach Team
