
District 102 Families,

This year, our fall parent-teacher conferences will take place on Monday, November 4, during the hours of 8AM and 8PM. In an effort to make conferences more available to all families, conferences will again be virtual this year. Conference time is a wonderful opportunity to speak directly with your child’s teacher, explore ways we can partner together to further your child’s growth and development, and generally to strengthen the bond between school and home.


Parents can access the conference sign-ups through the district PowerSchool Parent Portal. If you have used PowerPTC in the past and are familiar with the process, 

  1. Login to PowerSchool 

  2. Then click on the applications icon located in the top right-hand corner of the home screen

  3. Then choose PowerPTC to get started. 

Detailed information for new or returning users

Para obtener instrucciones en español, haga clic aquí o vea este breve vídeo.

Si tiene dificultades técnicas para reservar conferencias, envíe un correo electrónico a

Times will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. The sign-up system will remain open until October 30th at 11:59AM.  Please note: As in years past, Specials teachers and Interventionists will not be listed in the sign-up system. If a family would like to have a conference with either a Specials teacher or an Interventionist, they can individually contact any of their child’s teachers to set up a virtual meeting, meet with them in person, or speak with them over the phone. K-5 Dual Language students will be meeting with both teachers even though PowerPTC shows only one teacher at sign-up.

Si necesita un intérprete, póngase en contacto con nuestros Coordinadores De Familias y ellos coordinarán los servicios de traducción en:

We look forward to this opportunity to share your child’s progress. Thank you for your continued support and partnership with District 102.  

If you are having difficulty registering, the Family Liaisons are hosting a workshop on Oct. 28th at the Welcome Center located at Park Jr. High to assist families in ensuring they've signed up for a time slot to meet with your student's teacher.
