Please see the Park District BASE Website  for BASE forms and information.

Please contact Leanna Hartung, BASE Program Superintendent with any questions.
708-588-2233 Email:

Child Care for school-age children exists to meet the needs of working parents and their children. One of the major goals of The Before and After School Program is to create a safe, secure and comforting environment for each child. We want the children to feel as if they were at home and our parents to have peace of mind.

The BASE Program is planned in response to the developmental needs of the children served. The Child Care program overlaps to some extent with both home and school, but has a separate identity. Since the BASE Program uses a block of time in which the child would ordinarily be at home, the program strives for more characteristics of home than school. The key to a successful program is to provide a flexible, enriched curriculum with age appropriate activities to meet the developmental needs of children and to support the family. The BASE program responds to a child's need to be responsible, independent, and a contributor to the group. The program is also designed to emphasize and promote a positive self-concept in each child.

The success of our program is due to the active involvement of parents. The child care staff and parents share observations, insights and concerns regarding their child. Open communication by the BASE staff and our parents is the key to a successful outcome for each family.

The Administration and Supervision of the program is the responsibility of the Park District of La Grange.


BASE Summer 21 Registration 

Agreement for B.A.S.E Transfer to Park District

Attached is a PDF file of the "Lease For Portions of Several School Buildings" between District 102 and the Park District of LaGrange.

Training and License Information

Exhibit B: Safety Training Sessions for all Staff

  • CPR/AED/First Aid training where people are certified for 2 years with Medic First Aid 

  • HELP Human Resource Employment Liability Program (Administration Staff)

Spring Training Topics:

Weather Related Emergencies

Fire and Evacuation Plan

PDRMA Vehicle Safety Initiatives

Safety Incentive Program

Statement of Admission

Accident/Incident Reports

Use of Electronic Devices

Summer Training Options:

Sexual Harassment/Reporting Harassment 

Playground Safety & Severe Weather

First Aid Kits 

VESSA Training

Right to Know 

Job Responsibilities

Public Relations

Miscellaneous (Cell phone usage, visitors, adult discussions, after work activities, smoking, staff shirts ouside the workplace)

Drug Free Workplace


Statement of Admission

Emergency Response Planning - Are you Ready to Respond?

Material Handling 

Employee Safety Incentive Program 

PDRMA Initiatives

Communication, Employee Contact List & Organizational Chart 

Evaluations (staff & program)-form 

Child Abuse/Mandated Reporter Act 

Bloodborne Pathogens 

Behavior Management 

Hazard Recognition

Basic First Aid

Accident/Incident Reports

Hearing Protection & Respirator Use

Miscellaneous _ general safety rules, emergency closings, etc

Personal Appearance

Payroll Information and Payroll Pay Periods

Hiring practice, resignation, discipline dismissal, grievance/complaint procedures

Crisis Management