October 2024 District Newsletter


In the spring of last year, we made a big deal, and rightly so, about all of the community and district work that went into the creation and adoption of our new Strategic Plan - VISION 2030.  One of the aspects of the new plan is a refined vision statement for D102 - High Expectations and Continuous Improvement for All.  This goes for students, staff, and administration alike.  In an effort to continuously improve the ways that D102 communicates with families, I would like to use this fall message to offer three ways that the District is making a focused and pragmatic effort to improve our communication with families.

  • You likely saw an email from me or a text message or two inviting all community members to a Community Workshop to discuss and plan for the future of our facilities.  I am excited about this process and look forward to hearing from many of you about how you want our schools to function and look for current students as well as the next generation of D102 students. Please join us at the first workshop on October 15th at 7p.m. in the Park Jr., High Cafeteria. The second workshop is on October 29th - same time and place. Below are the flyers for the workshops in English and Spanish.  Feel free to share them with your friends and neighbors.  All are welcome!

  • View Renew D102 Invitational Flyer - (English)

  • Ver el folleto Renew D102 Invitational - (Spanish)

  • I am launching a new series of meetings this fall called DIRECT to D102.  Over the next two months, I will be coming to each school building (see dates and times below) to meet directly with families in order to receive feedback and recommendations about how we can collectively improve our schools.  At most of the meetings, I will also be joined by the building Principal, and together we look forward to engaging with anyone who is able to attend.  This is designed as a time for families to ask questions, provide feedback and if time allows for me to provide updates about our Strategic Plan, each individual building’s 24-25 Improvement Plans as well as hear any specific hopes for facility improvements.

Forest Road - Thursday 10/17 at 8:30am
Cossitt - Friday 10/18 at 8:30am
Congress Park - Friday 10/25 at 8:30am
Ogden - Wednesday 11/6 at 6pm
Park - Friday 11/8 at 8:45am
Barnsdale - Monday 11/11 at 8:45am

  • At the beginning of November District 102 will conduct our annual test of our emergency contact procedure. All families will receive three TEST communications from the District (email, text, phone) indicating that we were testing the system. We test the system each fall in order to be prepared for inclement weather messages and potential school closures. This process would also be used in the unlikely event of a safety emergency. The feedback on this test has been very positive in the past, though some parents noted that their cell phone carrier detected the District phone call as SPAM.  If this has happened to you or if you suspect that it might happen, please add the District's main number as a contact on your phone: 708-482-2400.  You can contact your home school if you have questions about communications or would like to change your contact information or preferences. 

Table of Contents


  • Talent Development

  • Assessment Reports

  • Bullying Prevention in D102

  • Building a Sense of Belonging at D102

Family Liaisons

  • Meet Esteban Caicedo - New Family Liaison

  • Parent Education & Community Engagement (PEACE) Team

  • Multilingual Parent Advisory Council (MPAC) Meet & Greet

Health Services

  • Loyola Pediatric Mobile Unit

Thank you in advance for adding your voices and energy to the continuous improvement efforts we are undertaking. I hope to see many of you at the conversations we have planned for this fall.  

Please contact me if you’d like to learn more about the process and how to get involved at covinoch@sd102.net.


Talent Development

The purpose of the Talent Development program is to provide students who show an aptitude for math and reading with appropriate learning opportunities to support their academic growth. District 102 provides these opportunities within the core classroom and in accelerated courses. 

The majority of students who show an aptitude for additional enrichment learning opportunities benefit from modifications to the core curriculum through content, process, product, and autonomy. The purpose of these modifications is to enrich the core curriculum through depth and breadth.  

  • Beginning in 3rd grade, all students are screened each Spring to determine if additional learning opportunities are needed to continue their growth in Mathematics. 

  • All students in 5th grade are screened each Spring to determine if additional learning opportunities are needed to continue their growth in Reading. 

As learning is fluid, there are additional opportunities throughout a student’s learning career in District 102 for placement if deemed appropriate. The criteria for placement can be found on the District website. Parents may also request a placement review by completing the form on the website. If you have any questions or would like assistance, please contact Dr. Melendez at melendezsa@dist102.k12.il.us.

Assessment Reports

The following standardized assessment reports were mailed home this week:

MAP:  Families with students in grades 2-8 will receive results from the Fall MAP (Measures of Academic Progress) assessment reporting instructional levels in reading and mathematics.  The Spring MAP assessment will measure fall-to-spring academic growth.

IAR:  The Illinois Assessment of Readiness (IAR) is administered to students in grades 3-8 in the spring of each school year.  The IAR aligns with the Illinois Learning Standards.  Families with students currently in grades 4-8 will receive the spring 2024 IAR reports measuring proficiency of grade-level skills in English/Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics.

FAST:  Grade 2 families will receive results from the Fall FAST reading assessment (Formative Assessment System for Teachers). This assessment provides details about oral reading skills and accuracy.

Social Emotional Learning

Bullying Prevention in D102


During October, the National Bullying Prevention Month, D102 schools and classrooms engage in a variety of activities designed to bolster a sense of belonging and to decrease bullying.  

What is Bullying?

While the legal definition of bullying can be found in our Board Policy, when speaking with children, teachers simply define bullying as “unwanted, hurtful, and repeated or severe behavior between people of differing power levels.  Bullying has the intent to cause physical or emotional harm.”  

Our core SEL programs include lessons designed to build a caring and inclusive learning community where bullying does not flourish.  These programs also help to clarify what bullying is and provide students with skills to refrain from and refuse bullying.

At some point this month, teachers of younger students will talk with their students about the difference between behavior that is mean, rude and bullying.  For older children, they will discuss the difference between a bullying situation and a conflict.  A conflict is a disagreement between two or more peers, often they are generally friendly with one another and have an equal sense of power.  Bullying, on the other hand, is repeated or severe targeting of someone with an intent to harm.    



The Role of the Bystander 

Research tells us that when witnesses take an active role in responding to bullying, these behaviors decrease.  One of the main ways that witnesses can help is by reporting what they saw or heard about.  Although teachers discourage tattling, which is generally designed to get someone in trouble, they encourage reporting, which is designed to get someone out of trouble or to keep them safe.  While we encourage students to speak directly to a teacher or another trusted adult at school, we also provide an anonymous online tip line on our website that students or families can use to report any unsafe behavior, including bullying. 

School administrators take bullying seriously and respond promptly to reports of possible bullying.  The goal is that bullying behavior stops and harm is repaired.  If there are any concerns, please reach out to your child’s school.

Building a Sense of Belonging in D102


Homeroom and Advisory

All students are organized into a home base where intentional time is spent building relationships with and among students.  In PreK-6th grade, this is typically called a homeroom; while at Park, it is referred to as advisory.  During these periods, students spend intentional time both celebrating commonalities and honoring differences among them.  The time spent engaging in these community building activities starts at the beginning of the year, with simple get-to-know-you icebreakers, and extends throughout the year in order to grow and maintain healthy relationships.



Content Classes

We want students to feel as though they belong in all classes, not just their homeroom.  As a result, teachers make a concerted effort to learn and use students’ names and to greet every child every day.  During academic classes, teachers often group students into partnerships and small groups, or use a circle formation for a discussion to ensure that all voices are heard and honored.  They try to help students see the relevancy of the topic they are studying and grow students’ identity as readers, mathematicians, artists, and so on.  Teachers also use a variety of texts and visuals so that students can learn about people that they identify with as well as people who are different from them.

ExtraCurricular Activities

Schools also offer a variety of extra curricular activities and clubs.  These too help students build relationships with other students and help to foster a sense of belonging.


Around the District

Congress Park Spreading Joy


Principal Grieve at Congress Park has started sharing moments of joy throughout the community. Students, and staff members capture moments of joy during their day, a new discovery, a new friend, a new interest, and MORE! Joy is meant to be spread, we invite you to capture moments of joy and share it with us by using the hashtag #D102SpreadsJoy.

Cossitt Connections Tends to their Community Garden



Shoutout to the Cossitt Connection students for their fantastic gardening activity with Ms. Katie! They planted and tended to beautiful fall flowers while learning the importance of care and responsibility. Great job, Cossitt students, for making your school bloom!

Lyons Township High School Football Players Visit D102


We had an exciting start to the school day as football players from Lyons Township High School D204 visited several of our schools within D102. Several of the football players were #D102alumni and visited their former schools. Players cheered on our students as they entered the building to begin their day of learning.

Park Jr. High Girls Basketball Win at Hodgkins Tournament

PJH Girls BBall


A huge congratulations to the Park Jr. High Girls Basketball teams for their amazing performance at the Hodgkins Tournament! Our 7th Grade girls brought home a 2nd-place finish, and the 8th Grade girls took 1st place!

Forest Road - One School, One Book

Strolling Through Park


Family Liaisons

As your Family Liaisons, we seek to facilitate communication between families, district staff, other families and community partners to better meet the social and academic needs of our students’ families. Our deliberate community-building approach is designed to forge partnerships throughout District 102. We are eager to collectively enact strategies that realize and develop our strengths as a whole.


Welcome Esteban Caicedo

Hello everyone! I’m Esteban Caicedo, and I’m excited to be part of this community. I studied Recording Engineering in Winter Park, Florida, where I had the opportunity to work closely with students in the studios, helping to train them in the art of recording.

After that, I ventured into entrepreneurship, where I managed a business for four years, gaining valuable experience in leadership and operations. Most recently, I worked as a Shipping and Receiving Clerk, which further honed my organizational and logistical skills.

In this position, I’m looking forward to collaborating with all of you, sharing ideas, and making a positive impact together. I believe in the power of teamwork and I am eager to learn from everyone’s unique perspectives.

Fun Facts About Me: I enjoy the company of my family, watch movies, play soccer with my kids,  I also love camping, playing tennis and exploring the outdoors. I’m passionate about car mechanics, music production and often spend my free time creating and mixing tracks or fixing my car. I have a supportive family who loves to travel and experience new cultures together.

I’m looking forward to connecting with all of you and contributing to our community. Feel free to reach out if you’d like to chat or collaborate on exciting projects!

Parent Education & Community Engagement (PEACE) Team





Multilingual Parent Advisory Council (MPAC) Meet & Greet

Thank you to all our families who came out last night to our first Multilingual Parent Advisory Council (MPAC) meeting of the school year. It was amazing to see families represented throughout each of our schools in D102 and connecting with one another.

If you were not able to make the event but still want to know about upcoming events and additional information, please contact Vanessa Deaton at deatonva@dist102.k12.il.us or (708) 215-6025.


July Financial Snapshot

July 2024 Operating Fund Balance Report

(Operating Fund Balance is the current amount of money available by fund. Fund 30 Debt Service and Fund 60 Capital Projects are not included)




$ 11,498,582

Operations and Maintenance

$ 2,927,669


$ 1,232,739

IMRF/Soc Security

$ 1,914,557

Working Cash

$ 1,545,748


$ 264,031


$ 19,383,327

Budget to Actual - July 2024

Revenue (budget)

Revenue (actual)


$ 52,295,727

$ 8,162,552

$ 44,133,175

Expense (budget)

Expense (actual)


$ 51,941,868


$ 49,301,791

August Financial Snapshot

August 2024 Operating Fund Balance Report

(Operating Fund Balance is the current amount of money available by fund. Fund 30 Debt Service and Fund 60 Capital Projects are not included)




$ 6,198,495

Operations and Maintenance

$ 3,015,359


$ 1,271,397

IMRF/Soc Security

$ 1,614,400

Working Cash

$ 1,531,032


$ 264,031


$ 27,565,676

Budget to Actual - August 2024

Revenue (budget)

Revenue (actual)


$ 52,295,727

$ 20,214,130

$ 32,081,597

Expense (budget)

Expense (actual)


$ 51,941,868


$ 45,432,563

Health Services

Loyola Pediatric Mobile Unit


In our efforts to increase access to health care, School District 102 is partnering with Loyola Medical Center to offer free physicals and vaccines to students who qualify. The Loyola Pediatric Mobile Health Unit will be at Congress Park School on Tuesday, Nov 12th, during school hours. 

View Flyer - English

Ver folleto - Español

Who can set up an appointment:

  • District 102 students without insurance or who have state insurance (Medicaid, etc.)

  • District 102 students who need an annual physical 

  • District 102 students who need immunizations

Who does not qualify:

  • Students with private insurance

  • Students who are current Loyola patients

What is needed: (2 forms required)

  • Loyola consent form completed by parent/guardian (Please see attached form)

  • Health History Section of State Health Examination Form Filled out and Signed by parent/guardian (Please see attached form)

  • Children age 9 and younger - an adult family member must be present at the visit

  • Children age 10 and older - optional for adult family member to attend 

  • Prior vaccination records if available

RSVP for the Loyola Mobile Unit here: https://forms.gle/EJV2hb6NQDY9j92t6

Please return the forms to the health office. The deadline for returning forms is November 5, 2024. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please contact your school’s health office.  

Kelli Kalata                                                              

District Nurse Supervisor                                        
(630) 805-1451

SPED amb

Special Education Parent Ambassadors!

This is a new and exciting opportunity in our district that is intended to provide interested families with family-to-family camaraderie and support. Any interested parents/guardians of current special education students can contact the representatives according to their needs.

Community Page

Welcome, parents and family members of the D102 community! This is your dedicated space to discover the sports and activities available for your young scholars within the community of La Grange, La Grange Park, and Brookfield.

Here, you'll find an array of flyers highlighting engaging programs tailored to every age and interest. Whether your child is a sports enthusiast, an aspiring artist, or simply eager to explore new adventures, there's something here to captivate their curiosity and nurture their passions.

From youth sports leagues to creative arts workshops, from educational clubs to community events, we're committed to providing enriching opportunities for your child to learn, grow, and connect with their peers. Our aim is to foster a sense of belonging and camaraderie within our diverse community while promoting physical activity, creativity, and personal development.







Local Libraries


La Grange Public Library


Linda Sokol Francis Brookfield Library

Spooky Story Contest is open to anyone aged 12 & under, and kids are encouraged to submit a super-short story or poem of 15 lines or less for the chance to win a prize. All of the stories will be published and added to the Library’s Youth collection, and we’ll host a live reading where participants get the chance to read their stories with friends and family closer to Halloween. The attached flyer has all the information and QR code for submissions.

If you need the link for the submission site, it’s here.

D102 Alumni - Cora Maggin Donates to Barnsdale Garden


Over the summer Ms. Cora Maggin, La Grange D102 Alumnus, completed an impressive project focused on enhancing our PreK Side Yard areas to create an interactive environment that teachers could use to educate and inspire their students while increasing local biodiversity.


Seeking D102 Alumni!

There are tons of different ways to engage with La Grange D102. We encourage you to fill out the D102 Alumni Involvement Form below, so we can communicate with you and inform you of new opportunities for involvement. We at D102 are continuously looking for new ways to involve our alumni. There are multiple ways you can get involved with various time commitments.

Please fill out the short questionnaire. This will help us connect and communicate with you when opportunities arise for you to get involved.

Community Giving

Cheri's Caring Closet

In LaGrange School District 102, we are committed to engaging families and the community by eliminating barriers to access, in particularly those related to culture, socioeconomic status, and language. We commit to identifying equitable practices to improve engagement with all families and diverse community stakeholders.

 In support of our vocalized commitment, the district has a new initiative in Cheri’s Caring Closet located at Congress Park Elementary School. It is a physical closet that accepts clothing donations from our communities; with the purpose of providing needed clothing items to D102 students.




Donate to the Community Fund

The La Grange D102 Community Fund aims to bridge the gap between donated supplies and additional resources needed to meet the diverse needs of our students. Recognizing that some families in our district face economic challenges, we believe in the power of unity and collective support. When you donate, you contribute to a general fund, which would be used to purchase supplies otherwise not donated through Cheri’s Caring Closet. Some examples of how these funds might be used would be to purchase items such as food, clothing, school supplies, beds, etc.

referral gps

Referral GPS - Connecting People to Treatment:  We are committed to creating a culture of well-being for students, staff,  parents, and the community. In an effort to continuously support this commitment, the district has entered an agreement with ReferralGPS. 

ReferralGPS is a web-based service focused on assisting our students,  staff, and community in finding local mental-health and substance use-related treatment. The service compliments the districts existing systems of support as a tool for student service teams and families to connect with treatment. Along with a searchable database of treatment options, ReferralGPS provides Care Navigation to assist families in triage, appointment setting, and follow-up care. 

School families may access ReferralGPS in two ways: 

1) Visit this link at https://referralgps.com/find-help/dist102 to search for treatment resources or connect with a Care  Navigator anonymously. 

2) Contact Student Services (social workers, psychologists,  counselors) to seek out treatment options. 

ReferralGPS takes into account all types of private and public insurance including PPO, HMO, Medicaid, Medicare, and families who are uninsured or underinsured. The platform also filters by age, gender, zip code, and special requests. 

ReferralGPS is available for use by district students, staff, and families at no cost. All information entered on the ReferralGPS tool is completely confidential and securely stored. 

If you are interested in seeking counseling-related services at this time,  please consider visiting https://referralgps.com/find-help/dist102 or reaching out to the Student Services team.

Upcoming Events

District Events

October 11: Institute Day (No School)

October 14: Indigenous People Day (No School)

October 15: Renew D102 Community Workshop #1

October 17: Direct to D102 - Forest Road

October 17: Board Meeting

October 18: Direct to D102 - Cossitt

October 25: Direct to D102 - Congress Park

October 29: Fall Band Concert

October 29: Renew D102 Community Workshop #2

November 4: Parent/Teacher Conferences

November 5: Election Day (No School)

November 6: Direct to D102 - Ogden

November 8: Direct to D102 - Park Jr. High

November 11: Direct to D102 - Barnsdale

November 14: Board of Education Meeting

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